Monday, March 26, 2012

Headbanz and Puppy dogs

I took a day off today.  I had fun playing with my elementary friend.  He came over and we played many things but I most enjoyed playing these two games ..................

This is a Cranium Puppy Pals Bingo- it is great for children who are learning colors, patterns and shapes.  Even though my young friend already knew these things, we still enjoyed playing.  I purchased this years ago at Target.  If you are interested you can purchase it here on Amazon!

The other game we played is one I received for Christmas (yes I ask for kids games for Christmas).  I love them.  This game is not only a lot of fun but can be hysterical too.  I have two versions of this game but today I played this version -

I also have a lot of fun with this version - well because I am a little obsessed with all things Disney....

I have a whole board on pinterest dedicated to this obsession - check that out here !

Well I enjoyed a day off today.  I have a little work to do- headed to the hospital to see one of my kiddos who had arm surgery!
Hope you have had a great day!  If you need some fun in your life - pull out a game for kids and play it- even if it is with all adults!

Much Love!
Mrs. Tara

1 comment:

Niki said...

Tara, Thanks for sharing! Would these be appropriate for a 2 year old? I am trying to find some more games-- Caitlin already loves Candy Land (all she does right now is turn over the cards and we move the spaces), wheels on the bus, and don't wake daddy. I'd love to find some others that I think she would enjoy.