Friday, March 16, 2012

The prayers of a Child

I teach a class once a month for children who have recently accepted Jesus.  The class is to help make sure they understand their decision, prepare them for baptism and share with them the things they can do to grow in their relationship with Jesus.  I talk to each child individually at the end of the class.  I ask them several questions.  The last question I ask is, Who is someone that you are not sure if they know about Jesus?  I tell them I want to be praying they have the opportunity to share Jesus with them. 

In a recent class I had a little boy who told me to pray for his friend.  He had a very concerned look on his face and I was prepared to hear all the reasons why he thought his friend might not know Jesus.  Often children tell me the reasons why they think they need to know Jesus.  I've heard many responses in 17 years but never one like I heard this time.  His concerned look was explained by the words that came next................ Mrs. Tara please pray he will have enough AR points so he can go on the field trip.  I really want him to go but he needs more points. 

Don't you love it?  For those wondering what I did................. I told my young friend I would pray his friend would work hard on his reading so he too could go on the field trip.  Reading specialists everywhere should be cheering.  For at least one young friend your reward system is working.

I love the innocence of a child.  I love they are honest and real.  And yes I did encourage my young friend to be praying for an opportunity to share Jesus with a friend who may not know Him. 

Much love on this sunny day!

Mrs. Tara

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