Thursday, August 6, 2009

Looking forward to Exciting Times September 13th

First Families ------ exciting times!
Childhood ministries is Preparing for the Future at 1275 Stuart Rd NE . . .

We are excited to offer two new ministry opportunities for your child, beginning Sunday morning, September 13th. We are going to add a Kids Church hour for K-5th grades at 9:45am, and a Discovery Zone (Sunday school) hour for K-5th grades at 11am. These new opportunities will be in addition to the current 9:45am DZ hour and 11am Kids Church. We are making these additions for two reasons: one, to provide your family more opportunity to worship in the Sanctuary Worship services together, particularly in the months of December, June and July as Kids' Church will take a hiatus. Two, to prepare us for the growth we anticipate after the move to our new church home at, you guessed it, 1275 Stuart Rd NE!

The schedule will be as follows:
Elementary (K-5th Grades)
8:30am Discovery Zone (K-5th one combined class)
9:45am Discovery Zone (K-5th) and Kids Church (K-5th)
11:00am Discovery Zone (K-5th) and Kids Church (K-5th)

8:30am Discovery Zone (Some classes combined)
9:45am Discovery Zone
11:00am WorshipCare

On Sunday, August 23 and Sunday, August 30 you will be given the opportunity to fill out a "Family Schedule Intention" card for your elementary aged child(ren). This will help us plan out the classes for each hour of Discovery Zone. We appreciate your help in this matter.

This expansion will also provide you with more opportunities to serve in leadership positions. Please contact the Childhood Ministries offices if you feel led to help impacty boys and girls with the Good News of Jesus!
I realize that this will be an adjustment for families -- thank you for bearing with us as we make the necessary changes to prepare for the future! If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact me . . . I welcome your questions and thoughts.

I am excited and can't wait!
Love you!
Mrs. Tara

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