Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day One- Check

Check it off- day one back at work is over. It was lots of fun- seeing all my little friends (and adult friends too) and meeting new friends. I couldn't believe all the new faces that have arrived on our church campus while I was gone. Exciting but tiring. I am worn out. I am going to bed early so I can get ready for my second day back. I have not been to staff meeting in about 7 weeks so I am anxious to get back and see all the guys! Have I ever mentioned I am the only female on the ministerial staff at our church - same thing at my last church too. But that is a blog all in itself for another day! So I am excited to rejoin them tomorrow. It seems like forever because in the summer we all are going a thousand different directions with camps, vacations, Vacation Bible School, mission trips, etc. So it has been a while and I think our whole crew will be present tomorrow!


Laura said...

I'm glad your back in action my sweet friend! Don't over do it....listen to Mr. Mike!!!! Love you!

Caribbean Cindy said...

I, too, am so glad that you can be at work again and I hope you continue to take those baby steps!!
I know you have been missed. Hope it was a great staff meeting with the guys! I have had trouble leaving comments here but I think I got it worked out. Praying!