Sunday, February 27, 2011

Missing a Sunday

Sometime on Friday I realized the sickness I had somehow seemed to avoid, well it had caught up with me.  Two days later, I wake up and realize I am still not fully well.  So that means I will miss the main thing of my job.  You work all week to prepare for Sunday.  You look forward to seeing all your friends- young ones and young at heart.  When you don't see them it throws everything off.  It just doesn't seem right- all day, it just hasn't seemed right.

Missing a Sunday also means you must make phone calls and extra work on the Childhood Ministries staff.  I work with some incredible ladies and one awesome man who leads our kids each week in Worship.  Well to make a long story short- some of them had sicks kids and that creative and crazy man who leads worship was fighting sickness himself.  I appreciate each of you who made sense of a crazy morning and evening.  I am so thankful for you!

I missed seeing my church family today.  I missed my friend and colleague's 5th anniversary celebration (congrats Asble family!).  I missed seeing little faces excited to be in the incredible space God has blessed us with at First Baptist of Cleveland.  I missed being in God's house on God's day.  However, I am pretty sure it was best for my germs and myself to stay at home.  It will make me look forward to this coming Sunday even more.  

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I hope you feel much beter soon! :)