Saturday, January 29, 2011

Inspiring Creativity

One of the sessions I was blessed to be able to attend while at the Children's Pastor's Conference while in Orlando was the Disney Institute called INSPIRING CREATIVITY.

This is me and our instructor, Austin Brock. She did an amazing job of applying the class topic for Children's ministers. This is one thought she shared on creativity.....

When they are researching a new idea they gather lots of cast members together. They include people from many different departments. They all get in the same room and begin to dream. They think about how to touch all the senses. At Disney they want to submerge guests into the Disney magic and make it real. Guess what? In the church we want to submerge children into God's word. We want to make it real. What a challenge for the church!
I'll share more in the days ahead of things I learned from this one session. But I'll leave you with a quote from Walt Disney-
"Every child is born blessed with a vivid imagination. But just as muscle grows flabby with disuse, so the bright imagination of a child pales in later years if he ceases to exercise it."

I encourage parents to provide many opportunities for your children to imagine!

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